• Anne Milano Appel, “Lo stadio di Wimbledon by Daniele Del Giudice's . An Explosive Silence,” External link opens in new tab or windowEuropeNow Journal, August 2024, Issue 58.
  • Anne Milano Appel, “Bringing “The Art of Joy’ to English Readers,“ an essay to mark Goliarda Sapienza’s birthday in 2024. In External link opens in new tab or windowReading in Translation, June 2024.
  • Anne Milano Appel, “No Cure for the Father, Exorcism for the Son,” External link opens in new tab or windowSentieri nelle Medical Humanities, March 13, 2023.
  • Anne Milano Appel, “Translating Riccardo Bruni’s The Night of the Moths,” NdT, La Nota del Traduttore, December 31, 2017, Dori Agrosì, ed.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, External link opens in new tab or window“Writing as Witness: A Conversation with Claudio Magris”: an interview with the author to mark the publication of his latest booknovel, Blameless (Yale University Press/Margellos World Republic of Letters, 2017). Yale Books Unbound, April 13, 2017.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “The Filo Rosso in Paolo Giordano’s Novels,” External link opens in new tab or windowAsymptote, July 2016
  •  "Anne Milano Appel and a few of her authors – Claudio Magris, Paolo Giordano & Giuseppe Catozzella": A Two-Part Interview on Cristina Vezzaro’s "Authors & Translators"
External link opens in new tab or windowPART ONE  February 18, 2016.
External link opens in new tab or windowPART TWO February 25, 2016.

  •  “Skirting the Juniper Brambles: A Translator Narrowly Misses Getting Trapped in the Copyright Thicket,” Anne Milano Appel with legal commentary by Erach F. Screwvala, Esq. ATA Chronicle, A Publication of the American Translators Association, XLIV:4, April 2015, pp. 20-25. Also online at External link opens in new tab or windowPublishing Perspectives, April 23, 2015:
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “Translating Paolo Giordano's The Human Body,” NdT, La Nota del Traduttore, no. 35, Dori Agrosì, ed. Translated into Italian by editor Dori Agrosì.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “Translating Andrea Canobbio’s Three Light-Years,” NdT, La Nota del Traduttore, no. 34, Dori Agrosì, ed.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, "On Translating Magris: ‘Closelaboration’ with a Difference." Forum Italicum, 47:3, November 2013, pp. 617 - 632.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “A conversation with Claudio Magris” on the occasion of the publication in English of his novel Blindly by the Margellos World Republic Of Letters, Yale University Press. Yale Press Log, 2012.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “Mirror Images of Remembrance in Marisa Madieri’s La conchiglia and Claudio Magris’s Lei dunque capirà: A Translator’s Notes.” External link opens in new tab or windowQuaderni d’Italianistica, Literary Intersections. Claudio Magris and Marisa Madieri, v. XXXII, n. 1, 2011, pp. 37-47, Konrad Eisenbichler, Editor, Sandra Parmegiani guest editor:   
  •  “Another Jog Through the Juniper: A Translator's Further Excursions into the Copyright Thicket”, by Anne Milano Appel with legal commentary by Jeffrey S. Ankrom, ATA Chronicle, February 2011, pp. 22-33.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “In the Garden of Betrayal: Text to Film, Language to Language” (based on Giorgio Bassani’s essay “Il giardino tradito” in the collection Di là dal cuore, Milan: Mondadori, 1984), Forum Italicum, Fall 2010, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 474-484.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, Review of Leucò va in America: Cesare Pavese nel centenario della nascita, Mario B. Mignone, Editor, Forum Italicum, Fall 2010, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 568-571.
  •  "Iain Halliday: Huck Finn in Italian, Pinocchio in English: Theory and Praxis of Literary Translation, Reviewed by Anne Milano Appel, Ph.D.", External link opens in new tab or windowTranslation Journal, vol. 14, no. 2, April 2010.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “Paradoxically Invisible: The Literary Translator's Providence”, Translorial, the journal of the Northern California Translators Association, May 2008, pp. 10-11.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “A Conversation in Rome with Giulio Leoni”, an interview. Absinthe: New European Writing, Dwayne Hayes, ed., no. 9, Spring 2008.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “Out of the shadows… Unionizing in Rome” (In Rome translators participated for the first time at the XX Congresso of the SNS, the National Writers Union, a sign of their determination to come out of the shadows). ATA Cronicle, October 2007, pp. 38-44.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, "Plowing Magris' Sea: Blindly, With Eyes Wide Open". Forum Italicum, v. 40, no. 2, Fall 2006.
  •  Review of Journal of Italian Translation, vol. 1, no. 1, Spring 2006. Luigi Bonaffini, ed. (Mineola, NY: Legas, 2006. 302 pp.). Forum Italicum, Fall 2006, v. 40, no. 2.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “Tongue snatchers: tradurre verso la seconda lingua”. Testo a fronte, Numero 33, Anno XVII, dicembre 2005, pp. 5-34.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “Reviewing Translated Literature—Through a Glass Darkly?”. ATA Chronicle, v. XXXIV, no. 8, August 2005, pp. 29-35.
  •  Review of Gregory Rabassa’s If This Be Treason: Translation and its Dyscontents, a Memoir (New York: New Directions, 2005, 189 pp.). Forum Italicum, Fall 2005, v. 39, no. 2, pp. 666-668.
  •  Review of Gregory Rabassa’s If This Be Treason: Translation and its Dyscontents, a Memoir (New York: New Directions, 2005, 189 pp.). NCTA Translorial, v. XXVII, no. 3, September 2005, p.20.
  •  Review of Nick Havely’s Dante and the Franciscans. Poverty and the Papacy in the Commedia (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004). Forum Italicum, v. 39, no. 1, Spring 2005.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “New Italian Narrative: the Under 30 Generation of ‘Gli Intemperanti’.” Forum Italicum, v. 38, no. 2, Fall 2004, pp. 517-541.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “The Dante Solution: Fratellanza and Deep Ecology”. Forum Italicum, v. 38, no. 1, Spring 2004, pp. 301-304.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “Gli estremi del ‘ricordo’: La traduzione come ‘Figura’.” Il Traduttore nuovo, anno LIII, v. LIX, 2003/2, pp. 87-98. (Originally published in English in Tradurre, v. 3, no. 1, April 2002.) The Italian translation was revised by Paolo A. Lilla.
  •  Review of Loredana Polezzi’s Translating Travel: Contemporary Italian Travel Writing in English Translation (Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001). Forum Italicum, v. 38, no.1, Spring 2004, pp. 5-44.
  •  Review of Paolo Bartoloni’s Interstitial Writing: Calvino, Caproni, Sereni and Svevo (Leicester, UK: Troubadour Publishing Ltd., 2003). Forum Italicum, v. 38, no. 2, Fall 2004.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “Operation ‘Knights Errant’: In Search of the Holy Grail of Visibility”. ATA Chronicle, v. XXXIII, no. 2, Feb. 2004, pp. 15-17.
  •  Review of Peter Carravetta’s Dei Parlanti, Studi e Ipotesi su Metodo e Retorica dell’Interpretare (Torino: Marco Valerio, 2002). Forum Italicum, v. 37, no. 1, Spring 2003, pp. 284-287.
  •  Review of Monsters in the Italian Literary Imagination, edited by Keala Jewell (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2001). Forum Italicum, v. 37, no. 1, Spring 2003, pp. 254-256.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “Behind the Mirror: Now We See Her, Now We Don’t”. ATA Chronicle, v. XXXII, No. 4, April 2003, pp. 26-31.
  •  Review of Sparks and Seeds: Medieval Literature and its Afterlife, Essays in Honor of John Freccero, edited by Dana E. Stewart and Alison Cornish, with an Introduction by Giuseppe Mazzotta, Binghamton Medieval and Early Modern Studies; 2 (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2000). Forum Italicum, v. 36, no. 2, Fall 2002.
  •  Anne Milano Appel and Carol J. Marshall, “A Jog Through the Juniper: A Translator’s Unhappy Excursion into the Copyright Thicket”. ATA Chronicle, v. XXXI, No. 7, July 2002, pp. 32-35.
  •  Anne Milano Appel, “Extremes of ‘Remembering’: Translation as ‘Figura’.” Tradurre, Journal of the Italian Language Division of the American Translators Association, v. 3, no. 1, April 2002.
  •  Review of Christopher Taylor’s Language to Language, A Practical and Theoretical Guide for Italian/English Translators (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1998). Forum Italicum, v. 35, no. 1, Spring 2001. Also reprinted in Tradurre, v. 2: no. 3, November 2001.
  •  Anne M. Appel, External link opens in new tab or windowDante, Poet of the Grail: a Study in relationship between the Commedia and the Queste del Saint Graal, doctoral dissertation under the direction of Prof. Joseph Chierici, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, October 1970.
  •  Anne M. Appel, “La forma general di paradiso,” published originally in L’Alighieri, ix:1 (1968), 16-36. Republished as "La 'rosa' paradisiaca e la tradizione figurativa medievale," in Critica dantesca. Antologia di studi e letture del Novecento, edited by Giorgio Barberi Squarotti and Angelo Jacomuzzi, Torino, Società Editrice Internazionale, 1970, pp. 504-511.