• Anna Voltaggio, “Lucilla,” a short story, External link opens in new tab or windowWLT Weekly, August 27, 2024. From the volume La nostalgia che avremo di noi (Neri Pozza, 2023), the story speaks to the selectivity and vagaries of a shared memory.
  • Dino Buzzati, excerpt from The Singularity (New York Review of Books, 2024): External link opens in new tab or windowEuropeNow Journal; August 2024, Issue 58
  • Dario Voltolini, excerpt from The Orange Garden (Il Giardino degli Aranci, La Nave di Teseo, 2022), forthcoming in Metamorphoses, Spring/Summer 2024, 32.1. *publication delayed*
  • Stefano D'Arrigo, External link opens in new tab or windowexcept from Horcynus Orca (Horcynus Orca, Mondadori, 1975; Rizzoli, 2003), Italian Quarterly, vol. 60, nos. 237-238.
  • Andrea Canobbio, External link opens in new tab or windowMemoir: Memories of a Miracle, The Threepenny Review, Winter 2024, pp. 13-14.
  • Franca Cavagnoli, External link opens in new tab or windowexcerpt from Over the Roar of the River  (Nel rumore del fiume, Polidoro Editore), Journal of Italian Translation, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, Spring 2023.
  • Michela Murgia, External link opens in new tab or windowexcerpt from Three Bowls (Tre ciotole: Rituali per un anno di crisi, Mondadori, 2023),  Sentieri nelle Medical Humanities, August 17, 2023.
  • Daniele Del Giudice, excerpt from At the Museum in Rheims (Nel museo di Reims ), Translation Review, Issue 117, November 2023, External link opens in new tab or windowand online.
  • Daniele Del Giudice, excerpt from Movable Horizon (Orizzonte mobile), Translation Review, Issue 116, August 2023, External link opens in new tab or windowand online.
  • Sylvie Richterová, “The Horizons Within and Beyond Promise” (“Orizzonti dentro e fuori”), The Florence Review, Issue 1, May 2022.
  • Claudio Magris, “Curving Time in Krems”, from the collection Tempo curvo a Krems: Cinque racconti (Garzanti, 2019). External link opens in new tab or windowHarper's Magazine, June 2021.   
  • Gianna Manzini, “The Sparrowhawk,” excerpt from La sparviera (Mondadori, 1956). IIC London, Italian Literature in Translation: Neglected Voices vol. IV, August 2021.
  • IIC San Feancisco. LITaly: A Sampler of New Italian Writing in Translation, vol. I, July 2021.
  • Ilaria Gaspari, “Ethics of an Aquarium,” IIC San Feancisco. LITaly: A Sampler of New Italian Writing in Translation, vol. I, July 2021.
  • Remo Rapino, “The Life, Death and Miracles of Bonfiglio Liborio,” IIC San Feancisco. LITaly: A Sampler of New Italian Writing in Translation, vol. I, July 2021.
  • Vanessa Roghi, “Small Town: A Common Story of Heroin,” IIC San Feancisco. LITaly: A Sampler of New Italian Writing in Translation, vol. I, July 2021.
  • Matteo Trevisani, “The Book of Lightning,” IIC San Francisco. LITaly: A Sampler of New Italian Writing in Translation, vol. I, July 2021.
  • Orazio Labbate, “The Snow's Shadow” (“L’ombra della neve” from the collection Stelle ossee, LiberAria, 2017”),The Shoutflower, Issue I, Fall 2020 pp. 24-27.
  • Luca Ricci, “The black hole between us,” a novella (“Il nero abisso esistente tra noi,” La Nave di Teseo, 2020), in External link opens in new tab or windowAnother Chicago Magazine, October 6, 2020.
  • Ernesto Franco, “My Friend Daniele's Flight,” a tribute to Daniele Del Giudice (originally published in La Repubblica – Robinson), External link opens in new tab or windowAsymptote Blog, August 25, 2020.
  • Teresa Ciabatti, “Daddy’s Girl,” an excerpt from La più amata (Mondadori, 2017). Italian Literature in Translation III: Women Writers, Loredana Lipperini, ed. IIC London, 2020.
  • Remo Rapino, Vita, morte e miracoli di Bonfiglio Liborio (minimum fax), excerpt. Strega Prize 2020: Excerpts of the 12 works long-listed for the Premio Strega 2020.
  • Gian Mario Villalta, L’apprendista (SEM), excerpt. Strega Prize 2020: Excerpts of the 12 works long-listed for the Premio Strega 2020.
  • “Claudio Magris’ Darkly Humorous Travels, Four Anecdotes From the Triestine Writer”: Four Anecdotes from Claudio Magris’ SNAPSHOTS (Yale University Press, 2019) on External link opens in new tab or windowLiterary Hub, February 27, 2019
  • Antonio Tabucchi, “The Cheshire Cat” (Original title: “Il gatto dello Cheshire”) and “Wanderlust” (Original title: “Vagabondaggio”). In the collection Message from the Shadows (Archipelago, 2019).
  • Mirfet Piccolo, “If I Don’t Come Back, Don’t Look for Me” (Original title: “Se non torno non mi cercare,” the title story in the collection of the same name). In the Summer issue of Mass Review, June 15, 2018.
  • Luce D'Eramo, “Life as a Couple,” a short story (Original title: “Vivere in due”). Chicago Review, Issue 60:04/61:01, 2017.
  • Except from Claudio Magris, Blameless (Yale University Press, April 2017), External link opens in new tab or windowGranta 140: State of Mind: The Online Edition Fiction, September 14, 2017
  • Daniele Del Giudice, “Shipwreck with Painting,” a short story (original title: "Naufragio con quadro"). The Massachusetts Review, Spring 2017
  • Andrea Canobbio, “No Cure,” a memoir. The Threepenny Review, Spring 2017.
  • Orazio Labbate, “In Love, Post-Apocalypse,” a short story (Original title: “Un innamorato nell'apocalisse”). Guernica / PEN Flash series, May 13, 2016.
  • Luce D'Eramo, “Thomasbräu,” an excerpt from the novel Deviation (Original title: Deviazione, Mondadori, 1979; Feltrinelli 2012). Asymptote, April, 2016.
  • Excerpt from Michele Mari, Roderick Duddle (Einaudi editore, 2014), for BooksinIaly.it:
  • Maurizio de Giovanni, “Mummy Darling”, a short story. (Original title: “Mammarella”). Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Sept./Oct. 2013, pp. 74-80. Featuring Commissario Ricciardi, the protagonist of de Giovanni's I Will Have Vengeance.
  • Diana Lama, “The Ultimate Secret”, a short story. (Original title:  “L’ultimo segreto”). Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, January 2013. pp. 89-98.
  • Diana Lama, “The Best Part”, a short story. (Original title: “La parte migliore”). Hersilia Press, http://www.hersilia-press.co.uk/the-best-part/ First published in Beacons 10, vol. X, 2007, pp. 183-190. Michele M. Aynesworth, ed.
  • Claudio Magris. You Will Therefore Understand, a novella. Quaderni d’Italianistica, Literary Intersections. Claudio Magris and Marisa Madieri, v. XXXII, n. 1, 2011, pp. 7-25, Konrad Eisenbichler, Editor, Sandra Parmegiani Guest Editor (Original title: Lei dunque capirà, Garzanti, 2006).
  • Marisa Madieri. “The Conch Shell”, a short story. Quaderni d’Italianistica, Literary Intersections. Claudio Magris and Marisa Madieri, v. XXXII, n. 1, 2011, pp. 27-36, Konrad Eisenbichler, Editor, Sandra Parmegiani Guest Editor: (Original title: “La conchiglia”, from the volume Verde acqua, La radura e altri racconti, Torino: Einaudi, 1987, 1992, 1998, 2006).
  • Caterina Bonvicini, “The Perfect Lover” (Original title: “L’amante perfetta”), a short story from the volume I figli degli altri (Torino: Einaudi, 2006, pp. 46-73). Green Mountains Review, vol. XXIV, No. 2, 2011, pp. 161-180.
  • Dario Voltolini. “Beatrixpark: An Illumination”, a short story. (Original title: “Beatrixpark. Un’illuminazione”). Harper’s Magazine, v. 323, n. 1937, October 2011, pp. 27-30. (First published in Chicago Review, New Italian Writing, v. 56, n. 1, Spring 2011, pp. 50-54.)
  • Dario Voltolini. “Beatrixpark: An Illumination”, a short story. (Original title: “Beatrixpark. Un’illuminazione”). External link opens in new tab or windowChicago Review, New Italian Writing, v. 56, n. 1, Spring 2011, pp. 50-54.
  • Laura Pugno. “Iceland”, a short story. (Original title: “Islanda”). External link opens in new tab or windowChicago Review, New Italian Writing, v. 56, n. 1, Spring 2011, pp. 24-31. 
  • Matteo Codignola, Afterword to Auntie Mame by Patrick Dennis. Penguin UK, 2010.
  • Dacia Maraini. “A Dreamless Sleep”, a short story. (Original title: “Un sonno senza sogni”.) Journal of Italian Translation, Luigi Bonaffini, ed., vol. IV, no. 2, Fall 2009, pp. 76-91.
  • Giorgio Faletti. “A Crime for a Crime”, a short story. (Original title: “Per conto terzi”). In The Mammoth Book of Best International Crime, Maxim Jakubowski, ed. London: Constable & Robinson, 2009; and The Mammoth Book of the World's Best Crime Stories, Maxim Jakubowski, ed. Philadelphia: Running Press, 2009.
  • Diego De Silva. “It’s Not True”, a short story. (Original title: “Non è vero”). In The Mammoth Book of Best International Crime, Maxim Jakubowski, ed. London: Constable & Robinson, 2009; and The Mammoth Book of the World's Best Crime Stories, Maxim Jakubowski, ed. Philadelphia: Running Press, 2009.
  • Elena Gianini Belotti, “The Seagull”, a short story. (Original title: “Il gabbiano”). Connecticut Review, vol. XXXI, no. 2, Fall 2009, pp. 59-75.
  • Stefano Benni. “A Tranquil Flight”, a short story. (Original title: “Un volo tranquillo”). Absinthe: New European Writing, Dwayne Hayes, ed., vol. 12, Fall 2009, pp. 85-93.
  • Daniele Del Giudice. Excerpt from Orizzonte Mobile (Einaudi, 2009), in External link opens in new tab or windowThe European Union Prize for Literature: Twelve Winning Authors 2009
  • Nicoletta Vallorani. “Pasolini’s Shadow”, a short story. (Original title: “L’ombra di Pasolini”). Rome Noir, Chiara Stangalino and Maxim Jakubowski, eds. New York: Akashic Books, 2009.
  • Antonio Scurati. “Eternal Rome”, a short story. (Original title: “Roma eterna”). Rome Noir, Chiara Stangalino and Maxim Jakubowski, eds. New York: Akashic Books, 2009.
  • Diego De Silva. “Don’t Talk to the Passenger”, a short story. (Original title: “Non parlare al passeggero”). Rome Noir, Chiara Stangalino and Maxim Jakubowski, eds. New York: Akashic Books, 2009.
  • Marcello Fois. “Words, Thoughts”, a short story. (Original title: “Parole, pensieri”). Rome Noir, Chiara Stangalino and Maxim Jakubowski, eds. New York: Akashic Books, 2009.
  • Giuseppe Genna. “Caput Mundi”, a short story. (Original title: “Caput mundi”). Rome Noir, Chiara Stangalino and Maxim Jakubowski, eds. New York: Akashic Books, 2009.
  • Evelina Santangelo. “Eaten Alive, a short story. (Original title: “Mangiati vivi”). Rome Noir, Chiara Stangalino and Maxim Jakubowski, eds. New York: Akashic Books, 2009.
  • Diana Lama, “The Best Part”, a short story. (Original title: “La parte migliore”) Beacons 10, vol. X, 2007, pp. 183-190. Michele M. Aynesworth, ed.
  • Claudio Magris, Translation of excerpts from Alla cieca (Garzanti, 2005), Journal of Italian Translation, vol. 1, no. 2, Fall 2006. Luigi Bonaffini, ed.
  • “Part Accomplice, Part Rival: the Translator is a True Co-Author: An interview with Claudio Magris”, Absinthe: New European Writing, Dwayne Hayes, ed., March 2007. (Translation of an interview by Ilide Carmignani that originally appeared in Comunicare.Letterature.Lingue, Il Mulino, Bologna, n. 6, 2006, pp. 221-226.)
  • Elena Gianini Belotti, “Suspicions”, a short story. (Original title: “Sospetti”), Metamorphoses (Smith College), December 2006. Special issue on the theme: “Other Italies, Italy's Others”.
  • Paolo di Stefano, “Cannibal Dialects” (original title: “Dialetti cannibali”), Metamorphoses (Smith College), December 2006. Special issue on the theme: “Other Italies, Italy's Others”. (Originally appeared in Corriere della Sera, Dec. 5, 2004).
  • Paolo Emilio Botta, “Observations on the Inhabitants of California”, Boletin, Journal of the California Mission Studies Association (CMSA), Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 double issue: Vol. 23 No.2, 2006 / Vol. 24 No.1, 2007. Published in Italian in 1841 and 1842, in Carlo Botta’s translation of Auguste Duhaut-Cilly’s work: Viaggio intorno al globo principalmente alla California ed alle isole Sandwich negli anni 1826,1827,1828 e 1829 di A. Duhaut-Cilly...Con l’aggiunta delle osservazioni sugli abitanti di quei pasesi di Paolo Emilio Botta (Turin: Stabilimento tipografico Fontana, 1841, 2 vols.)
  • Eugenio Montale, poems for inclusion in the anthology Corno inglese, Marco Sonzogni, ed. Novi Liguri: Edizioni Joker, 2009.
  • Leonardo Gori, “The Big Sizzle”, a short story. (Original title: “Una grossa frittura”, from the anthology Giallo Uovo, Mondolibri, 2006). External link opens in new tab or windowWords Without Borders, noir issue, May 2006.
  • Stefano Vuaran, "The figure of Abraham: an Analysis based on the Functional Languages of Biblical Hebrew", Materia giudaica XI/1-2 (2006), pp.405-414.
  • The Sentimental Boxer (Original title: Il pugile sentimentale) by Alberto Rigettini, The Interview (Colloquio di lavoro) by Marco Badi and Survivors (Reduci) by Marco Giorcelli and Aldo Ottobrino. Three Italian one-act plays performed at the Fourth Annual Bay One-Acts Festival in San Francisco, in March 2005, by the Three Wise Monkeys Theatre Company, with Mike Ward, Natalie Goss and Christopher Jenkins directing.
  • Elena Gianini Belotti, “The Abandoned Garden”, a short story. (Original title: “Il giardino selvatico”, from the volume Adagio un poco mosso, Milan: Feltrinelli, 1993, 1995, 2001). Words Without Borders, August 2005.
  • Silvia Ballestra, from All About My Grandmother. (Original title: Tutto su mia nonna, Einaudi Stile libero, 2005). Words Without Borders, August 2005:
  • Martino Marazzi, “King of Harlem: Garibaldi Lapolla and Gennaro Accuci ‘il Grande’,” from 'Merica: a conference on the culture and literature of Italians in North America, Mario B. Mignone, ed. Stony Brook, NY: Forum Italicum Publishing, 2006. (Proceedings of a conference held at the University of Rome in January, 2003).
  • Feature articles for Bell’Italia magazine, beginning with the Spring 2004 issue.
  • Marina Argenziano, “Excerpts from A Dialogue with Luigi That Never Took Place” (Original title Antonietta Pirandello nata Portolano (Dialogo mancato con Luigi.) Beacons 9, Alexis Levitin, ed. Literary Division, American Translators Association, v. 9, 2003, pp. 112-117.
  • Massimo Bertozzi, “With Heart and Mind: Reality and Fantasy in Marco Sassone’s Painting”. Introduction to catalog Marco Sassone. Lucca: Imago Artis, 2002.
  • Stefano Bortolussi, excerpts from the novel Head Above Water. Beacons 8, Alexis Levitin, ed. Literary Division, American Translators Association, v. 8, 2002, pp. 54-60.
  • Isabella Messina, “The Face”, a short story. Beacons 7, Alexis Levitin, ed. Literary Division, American Translators Association, v. 7, 2002, pp. 54-63.
  • Alessandra Muzzi, “Challenges in Localization”, English text edited by Anne Milano Appel. ATA Chronicle, v. XXX, no. 11, Nov./Dec. 2001, pp. 28-31.
  • Roberto Arcangeli, “Fossil DNA, the Perfect Language, and the Internet”. ATA Chronicle, v. XXIX, no. 10, October 2000, pp. 20-22.
  • Mario Corte, External link opens in new tab or windowThe Meeting, a novella. Rome: Digamma Editore, 2000.
  • “This Europe Doesn’t Belong To Us”, Due Sicilie, Internet Edition of Nazione Napoletana, no. 6, Nov., 1999:
  • Enzo Fontana, Chapter VII of Tra la perduta gente, a novel about Dante Alighieri. Beacons 5, Marilyn Gaddis Rose, ed. Literary Division, American Translators Association, v. 5, 1999, pp. 111-118.
  • “The Northern League and the Unitarian North” by Edoardo Spagnuolo, in Due Sicilie, Internet Edition of Nazione Napoletana, , v. III, no. 16, Nov. 16, 1998: